Blog - Diawi - Development and In-house Apps Wireless Installation

Diawi 2: tl;dr

The new Diawi starts on April, 18th 2016. It doesn't change what you are doing on Diawi today, but it changes everything! Find out more in the following blog posts: * Diawi 2: the journey [] * Diawi 2: what's new…
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Diawi 2: The migration

As previously announced, Diawi 2 will be available on April, 18th 2016. This is a big change for our infrastructure. In order to perform the migration, Diawi will be put down for maintenance starting from April, 16th 10:00 UTC. The operations should take a few hours, and the service…
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Diawi 2: APIs

As part of Diawi 2, APIs are made available to all users with a Diawi account. These APIs allow the upload of an app from a continuous integration server, the integration of apps on Diawi into third-party tools. App upload The upload can be perform by a POST request. It…
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